Raising awareness;
raising money
Dr Chris Symeon is passionate about supporting sufferers of FND, a condition in which sufferers cannot access or control their body in the usual way. Working with patients, through his NHS consultant role, he’s seen the disorder’s debilitating effects and also the severe lack of funding it receives when compared to other better known neurological disorders.
With his role on the board of established charity FND Hope, Dr Symeon hopes to be able to help raise awareness, much needed funds and bring about real change on a national level.
In association with St George’s Hospital Charity, Dr Symeon worked to create a ground-breaking app, designed to provide information and support to FND sufferers. From information about the condition and options for treatment, to case studies of people who live with FND.
Featuring quick, easy check-in functionality, myFND allows users to regularly record symptoms and build up a picture over time. It also provides self-management techniques that may help to alleviate and manage symptoms.