What is your condition?

If neuropsychiatric issues occur as the result of an accident or injury, it’s important that all the facts are presented in any case for compensation or prosecution. Without a balanced medical expert witness view of a victim’s condition, as well as a prognosis for future recovery or care requirements, it can be difficult to understand exactly what they could or should be entitled to, or how much of a case there is to bring.

We’ve worked on numerous cases over the last seven years, working mainly with claimants who seek compensation for the issues with which they’ve been left.

How we can help

Having undertaken legal report writing training with Bond Solon, specialists in this area, we have honed our ability to provide high quality reports over the years. The feedback we receive from solicitors across the country suggests that they value our straightforward approach to writing, getting the information across in an easy-to-understand format that can be quickly digested and understood.

We’re also happy to travel the length and breadth of the country, if necessary, to meet with a client or law firm who would prefer not to work online.

What our clients say