Circle Medical training &

Sharing expertise; improving outcomes

Training for multi-
disciplinary teams

When it comes to caring for complex patients it can be invaluable to understand how their illness might relate to the behaviours they’re exhibiting. Allowing multi-disciplinary teams to unify their approach to care and ensure they achieve the best possible outcome.

That’s why we offer bespoke group training, either online or face to face, allowing care givers to better support the emotional and psychological wellbeing of the cases with which they are charged.

Digital health consulting

As we move towards the future, we’re seeing technological advances that allow for the development of tools and apps that can help inform treatment of neuropsychiatric patients. These might be data or dashboard tools that support diagnosis and management of conditions, or they might be patient facing apps, such as MyFND that allows sufferers to track and manage symptoms for a better understanding.

We are able to work with tech companies who are leading the way in this field, to provide the expert medical knowledge they need in order to ensure their developments succeed.